Preview - Exploring Homeostasis And Feedback Loops With Diabetes

Modeling Diabetes

With your group members, you will create a drawing of the processes you think are occurring in a diabetic's body.  Your drawing can be created on paper or in a digital drawing platform, but either one should be uploaded (pictures are fine) once you have completed them. 

Your diagram/model should include the following components: 

  1. Outline of a human body
  2. Organs/organ systems involved in diabetes
  3. Particular dysfunction within the system (body) - meaning you must somehow show WHAT is not being regulated properly in a diabetic's body. 
  4. How dysfunction could lead to particular symptoms of a diabetic (think about what the patients in the video mentioned feeling or noticing about their bodies). 
  5. Treatment of the dysfunction 
  6. How a Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic will be DIFFERENT in terms of dysfunction and treatment (again, think about what was mentioned in videos). 

At this point, you may not have all of information needed to make a complete model, but you should be able to at least provide some background knowledge/explanations for how diabetes is an example of an imbalance in our body systems and disruption of homeostasis. 


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.